The All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum (RHEM)
In 1998 the All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum was created in Torzhok. The museum is located in the historic center of the city in several buildings - monuments of architecture of the XVIII-XIX centuries.
In the building of the parochial secondary school expositions "Genius of taste - life and oeuvre of N. A. Lvov", "The lcon. The window to the Heaven World", "Torzhok in old photographs and postcards", "The His- tory of Boris and Gleb monastery" can be found.
In one of the buildings of the shopping arcade there are permanent expositions telling about the archeology and history of Torzhok. Here, in particular, original birch-bark letters of the XII-XIV centuries are presented 19 of them were found in Torzhok.
There is ethnographic center in the building of city manor. Ethnographic festivals accompanied by the folklore collective "Lestvitsa", interactive programs "Village fun and frolic", "Traditions of Russian tea drinking", "Traditions of the Russian feast" are very popular among citizens and guests of the city.